Here's some of my fishing laziness. Probably not the best practice, but I like to pre-tie Texas rigs. Flourocarbon for the line (or just mono if you don't have flouro), surgeon's loop to attach to the snap swivel on the main line, and then tie a combination of hooks and weights. Much faster to swap soft baits and sizes if you have fishing lure ADHD like myself.
It's something to do on those stormy afternoons when I want to be fishing but don't want to get struck by lightning. Plus it a soft bait isn't working and is still in good condition, I can leave it on the hook and use it again at a later date when the water conditions are more favorable for that setup.
Even when using swivels or snaps, remember to re-tie them once in awhile since the knot will always be the weakest point in the line.
>>875856But why the sock? Does it really need to be in a sock?
Kinda just being an ass but at the same time I'm curious if there is a reason.
>>875853At least I gave one good tip.