>>1572964>>1593935v0.9 includes various items throughout that we sat around and discussed/wished we had to make the trip better in some way.
>>1583284>...3 ways to kill flies... come on, man.no, fuck that, those fuckers are going back on, too. i got about 20 mosquito bites over the weekend, and i stopped more than once during this update to scratch myself. we had a citronella candle going almost non stop. they didnt seem to mind. people were spraying themselves with with repellent, but id personally rather not.
we had at least 1 hummingbird visiting our campsite and checked out everything from lanterns to tail lights. some of the women pitched the idea of a hummingbird feeder next time, im a bit dubious about a ranger's thoughts on this.
also a camp kitchen is an amazing thing to have when the campsite comes with 1 bench/table, it allowed for a lot more room for meal preparation and eating, and also somewhere to wash dishes that was out of the way.