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Not my first hike but the first time we attempted an overnight backpacking trip in the boyscouts.
Early April 2001 we went to hike up the Springer mountain trail. First little section of the Appalachian trail. As we drive up into the mountains, we notice its cold. Alot colder than Atlanta where we left from. About 30 mins away from the parking area it starts snowing. We push on. As we park and start unloading it's gets stronger. We push on. We start hiking up the mountain and it's like a full blown blizzard. I'm watching snow build up sideways on tree branches because the snow is so thick and the wind is so strong. We make it most of the way up the mountain and go to stop at a shelter a little ways off the trail to warm up and regroup and decide where to go from there. We get to the shelter and there's a mean barking dog tied up in front of it and this tweaker comes out SHIRTLESS and eyeballing us wondering what the hell we're doing interrupting his meth time in the woods. My dad and 2 of the other dads went up to talk to these weirdos and after a short conversation they came back and said "well boys, were not going to the shelter" yeah no shit. We decide we've made it this far and we should go on for the summit. So we freeze our asses off up that mountain and make it to the top. We felt like we had conquered the world. Then we all hiked back down and everybody came back to my house and we laid out all our sleeping bags in the living room and drank hot chocolate and watched movies. It was a hell of a time. Pic related. A picture of some of us at the top of the mountain. I'm the second from the right. I was 11