>>2773791Fantastic tip, thank you.
>>2774495Maybe I'm misunderstanding but it sounds like more of a technique issue than a gear issue. When I'm using 4lb line and small hooks/weights I also find it very easy to tangle if I'm fishing as aggressively as I would with a heavier setup, but I feel it's natural that when throwing a lighter presentation on lighter line you're also not throwing as hard or as far. Just as I'm not throwing my freshwater bass setup as hard or far as my beach surf setup with 8oz of lead, but when I start trying to throw my ul as hard as my bass gear I get into trouble. I expect this may be close to your trouble.
>>2775103Crayfish for bass is so underrated. Ontario has such pozzed laws though you need to catch them in the same waterbody you fish in, not feasible in a lot of places.