>>2220767Fuck me man, that girl was gorgeous. Bangs, dark brown hair, green eyes, fit....holy nut balls. She helps me to say a few words in Italian, and she also does my checkout (restaraunts where you get a tray and go sit down). While paying, I ask her if she knows """anyone"""" that can help me learn Italian.
I'll be damned, I got her number. Well, she must've realized later on that day that I was interested in a bit more than just learning Italian, because she didn't respond to my text for the next two weeks. On one of my daily move back towards cell tower days, as at this point I'm /out/ing now since over a week - I see she's invited me to some drinks with some of her friends that night. She later told me that she felt bad for not responding.
Important side note - she'd be an 8.5-9/10 in the US. But here? Yeah, slightly above average but nothing special. And also...there is more parity here in dating. Girls don't have this super high value - and their standards aren't skewed. As long as you aren't some chubby ++ dude, and you keep in shape and aren't ugly as all balls - women will speak to you and be interested if you know how to have a good convo and you guys happen to click based on personality and interests.
These outings with a few people happened a few more times, and at some point I told her that unless we were gonna date I was done talking to her because I've fallen for her and I'm either getting her on moving on.
Ah well, I married her a year later. She came back to the states with me, saw the US for what it really is (lots of homeless, lots of sick and fat people) - I saved up some more money working oil fields, and when she became pregnant we fucked off to Europe, I got my 'green card' (obv not called that here) and started looking for work, and yeah.
I really must say those Americans who told me to fuck off to Europe - they were right. It's basically exactly what I was looking for