>>1185658Ok pretty stupid but here goes.
>happened a good couple years ago>I was 16 irc>church camp expedition, hiking 30 miles over 5 days>we were on day three and going up a mountain in the Dolly Sods park>came across a flowery meadow>pretty, but we had seen many just like it>I was leading for some reason, i don't know, autism?>heard some rustling in the deeper brush>two black bear cubs were running around about 30 feet away>I stopped, but didn't freak out>Somethinghereiswrong.jpg>chaperon also realizes this>the cubs are still very young, but there is no moma bear in sight>all 7 of us shriek as loud as we can for about ten seconds>the bear cubs run off and the moma bear was hidden behind a shrub next to the path, opposite side of the cubs>mfw I almost just got mauled>we hightail it through the meadow with a chaperon leading and in back>mfw I almost just walked between a moma bear and her cubsSucky greentext I know.