>>1271207lol Yeah, companies don't like paying shipping for dirt. Glad you got what you needed.
>ginsengYou should also check out, "Goldenseal". (Hydrastis canadensis)
>>1271308Where I live you can find piles of rocks and stones on land where there was a vegetable farm. The piles can be massive. In other places where there's more rocks people build stone walls and houses out of them when clearing the fields. They are a good resource of free building materials.
>>1271310Very nice. Mine is called, "Seed Bank". It certainly feels nice having tons of seeds as backup and for replanting.
>>12713318x10 is pretty small. Consider containers as well. As for overcrowding, google up "Square-foot Gardening" method. It will help you visualize everything. As for what to grow, get what you like to eat. 6 hours of direct sunlight is plenty for most vegetable plants outdoors. They will be getting ambient light in addition to that after all.
>>1271360>>1271331Fresh Salsa Blend (green or red): tomatoes, tomatillos, cilantro, hot peppers, bell peppers, onions, garlic
Spaghetti Sauce Blend: same as above minus the tomatillos and cilantro
Stew Blend: Potatoes, carrots, onions, garlic, celery, portobello mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus), herbs
Soup Blend: Tomatoes, onions, garlic, celery, potatoes, herbs
Get the idea?
>>1271400lol When the electric service is out after storms that's pretty much my view of the world.