> A young German, an assistant at a wool washing establishment about five miles from here, was in the habit of bathing off the stage, and one day while having his usual dip sat on the stage with his feet swaying to and fro in the water, when a cod seized his foot, at the same time nearly forcing him off the stage into the water, the German having his foot severely scarred by the teeth of the cod. Some time elapsed before he recovered. >At Weston's Flat, a short distance above Morgan, the residents were in the habit of swimming their stock across the river for feed, and while swimming one of the horses turned on one side, and with difficulty the boatman towed it to the shore, and with the aid of blocks and tackle hauled him on to dry land, when, to their surprise, a huge cod had the horse's front foot in his mouth. The cod was captured, and weighed over 90 lb.>Without doubt in some of the numerous cases of drowning, where good swimmers have disappeared, they may have had a tussle with one of these "monsters of the deep."I used to mock QLD'ers and Northern Territorians about them having crocs in their freshwater systems but fuck man, this is not good.