>>2073697Would you rather have the forest and mountains FULL of litter, niggers robbing people, boomers, gitanos making barbecues littering everywhere and blasting music, canis doing botellón, and zoomers destroying delicate habitats, chalets in the middle of nowhere, etc, just so you can camp anywhere without being bothered by the seprona? OR have those retards fuck off in their containment urban, turístic, and camping zones, so real outdoor people can just stealth camp ANYWHERE with peace, making a Dakota fire hole to cook, making a little hutt hidden in the mountains?
América is full of forested and mountain areas you cannot walk through because it is "private property", while in Spain no-one is going to shoot you because you walk through a private path.
Use your fucking brain, we cannot have total freedom in nature until the world population decreases significantly.
Pic related me camping and swimming in a mountainous lake illegally