Folders are a different game
You generally aren't worried about hammering on them unless you're a special kind of tard
You can get a bit more normie with the steels used, still you want a decent heat treat
You have the added complication of the lockup mechanism
As I don't give a fuck about folders beyond multitools I'll just give you a rundown of the best that are made in any appreciable #s
Chris Reeve Knives
With a folder I'd just get a leatherman and be done personally
Most people could get something like the Hogue Deka in Magnacut for $150 and be done with it
With folders I'd be perfectly happy with something like S35VN, shit even CPM-154 or VG-10 as indestructibility doesn't mean shit in a blade you won't ever been batoning, that's just me
For folders if your life is going to depend on the lockup mechanism get a Hinderer, Medford, or something that overbuilt and pay out the nose
If you're just cutting boxes and shit like that, a Spyderco Endura 4 or Hogue Deka will be fine