>>1422589>I always try to light every fire as though I am using my last match and avoid using volatile fluids or other civilized starter stuff.Yeah, I think that is a solid methodology. I do the same thing. I consider my good quality gear as my backup plan in case I can't do anything the, "normal," way. I believe that is important since most modern fire starting materials are a finite resource when you are already out in the bush. However, the natural fire lighting methods are infinite to all intents, constructions, and purposes.
>axe/macheteWere you the anon I replied to here,
>>1420812 -
>>1420818>carving with a hatchet.One of the main things that cultures carved with either an axe or machete were paddles/oars for their boats/canoes. There are several times in Ray Mears' videos where he or someone else carves a paddle out of a small log in almost no time and proceeds to use them. Evidently, it is a big skill people needed to know in primitive cultures. On par with fixing a flat tire in the modern world.