>>2349056Exploring is a pleasure in itself. There's a theory that some people's brains are wired to respond more strongly to certain reward chemicals more than others. Some are serotonin-based and others are dopamine-based. And some are tilted more towards testosterone, others are estrogenic. Anyway, it calls dopamine people Explorers. They thrive on novelty, independence, flexibility, risk-taking. A backpacking trip fulfills all that. It's why some people are so predisposed to travel. To me, seeing new shit is one of the great thrills in life. Hiking has a definite goal and product for me - seeing what's around the next corner.
I respect a fellow Tedposter though, and I see where you're coming from. I think exploring had a real purpose back in our hunting-gathering past, and I think that's why throughout human history some crazy niggas just HAD to push off and see the new hot land mass of the day.