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I was in a vet's program with a serial killer that had just been released from a twenty four year sentence. I WILL NEVER WALK ALONE IN THE BUSH AGAIN WITHOUT A LONG GUN. Period. He prayed mostly on campers, game wardens, Indians and Mexicans. Last kid he shot was with the kids own pistol. Got caught.
In my area you also have mexicans and niggers armed with Ar's while tending their marijuana crops. They would think nothing of slabbing an old white honkey ten miles on foot from the trail head. Nothing at all.
Any light weight mid caliber is fine. Lever action 30-30 might even be optimal. Same for an SKS. I carry a light sporterized mauser carbine in 7x57. Load out is twenty in strippers and a road loaded magazine full. It has a peep sight and I can engage off hand to two hundred yards with out a problem and as fast as I can work the bolt and pull the trigger.
I am also a big knife guy. Your Bowie looks fab and is a must have on the trail. If you normalize carrying real gear, you get used to the couple of extra pounds. Shit if you are pressed that bad, take water pills for a week with a low salt diet before you go out and you should loose enough weight to make up for the extra gear. Make sure you have a couple battle dressings and tourniquets. Never know.