>>1441855>We didn't evolve to have a diet to consist of processed foods full of sugar either. >Naturally then, you cannot expect your bodies natural functions to compensate for that. What you said may be true, but it is completely irrelevant to the point anons were trying to make saying "We don't need to, because our ancestors didn't."
Even if you do have a diet consisting of mostly natural, whole foods - the fact of the matter is most of the rest of the world doesn't. And if we we're debating about the individual which in this case is you, and assuming you eat a completely natural diet like you say - then there would be no debate because I would more or less agree with you. Maybe you could get away with never slathering your mouth in chemicals. But that's not the point.
The point is we live under very different circumstances than our ancestors did for the aforementioned reasons in my prior posts. So using toothpaste in this day and age makes sense - and if you disagree with that based on some historical facts which you're using as a precedent that no longer applies - then you're an idiot.