>>175551>>175563France is a terrible place if you want to spend some time in the wild, so yes you should fly to
Canada if that's what you want, because you're in a very, very, very different place. I hear French bushcrafters complain about that often enough, there's no such thing as "wilderness" in France.
Even then laws are still very lackluster when it comes to that, French forests are delicate things that need protection, and there clearly aren't enough, nor there is enough surveillance.
And when I'm telling you not to do that, I'm not only talking about fires. I'm also talking about wildlife. You have no idea how disastrous it can be. You may be an ecologist, you're not an ethologist nor a botanist. What you want to do is a terrible idea and I hope you get caught, really.
Also fyi, camp fires are reglemented in all forêts domaniales since 1566, and that's how old most of them are, and it includes all primordial forests so it can't older than that. And camp fires are forbidden in all of them since 1985, there's no need for some local legislation about that.