Sometimes I go around in google maps/earth and look at remote farming locations. I thought this one was neat,
>Corvo Island, Street View inside the volcano caldera.,-31.0983696,3a,73.8y,299.52h,83.62t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sAF1QipNlMYDLDswhzE6FZx68y6m1y50IdpwDPpd6KmLY!2e10!3e11!!7i12000!8i6000There's a few single spot 360 photos in the caldera, but nothing close to the other side where you can really see the grazing pastures on the other side. They make fences from the local stone. I was just amazed by how high some of those pasture walls are on that caldera slope.