>>239783I have 3 different set ups, depending on how much known pollutants are in the area's water.
>> Low (no known viruses) I just use a camelbak inline carbon filter for tastehttp://www.amazon.com/CamelBak-90766-Camelbak-Reservoir-Filter/dp/B00437WY32/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1387094238&sr=8-2&keywords=camelbak+inline+filter>> Med (heavy bacteria / sediment) I throw my sawyer in before the carbonhttp://www.amazon.com/Sawyer-3-Way-Inline-Water-Filter/dp/B0034VR8ES/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1387094104&sr=8-8&keywords=sawyer+water+filter>> High (known viruses, needs PURIFICATION) I drip in some Sweet Water or chlorine (and give it some time)http://www.amazon.com/MSR-Sweetwater-Purifier-Solution-Replacement/dp/B002IALD3S/ref=pd_sim_sg_3Also helps to have a pump, and put the filters BEFORE it inline.
If you have time, nothing beats the guarantee of a stainless steel bottle on a fire + bandanna.
Sorry for camelbak plug. it IS a quick setup.