>>2186512This is my favorite part. I like to gently squeeze it idk why
>>2186484Florida counts as the south east haha. But yes Florida has a tremendous diversity of fish. Still, redfin are supposed to be native from Florida to like, fucking new york or something. Inshallah I will find some in the shitty creeks around here that black ppl fish. Considering trying to use minnows under a float since they are predatory and love eating small fish. It's been a dream if mine for years. I would simply try to net some if I knew how to do it legally. Which is funny bc I just took the bar so I should be able to find out hahaha. In any event, I will not give up and will just see what happens if they are introduced to the pond. I will also stock the pond with bass, so I'm sure they will unfortunately eat some of the pike.