>>2776251It's landscaping fabric to suppress weeds and it's tilled before it was rolled there, I reclaimed this part of lawn just this may, this garden used to be significantly smaller, pic related.
I like using landscaping fabric so I don't need to weed but it's only possible when you are growing larger plants like peppers in this photo, something like radish needs to be sown far too densely for fabric to be viable
What I do when expanding my garden is:
>Remove topmost 5 cm of soil and throw it into the soil pile upside down to break down for when I need soil somewhere>Till the remaining soil one spade deep and remove all roots and stones so rhizomes and trees won't fuck with my garden >Level freshly tilled soil and it's ready for planting, you should plant or cover it asap to not give weeds any time to sproutOptionally you can till in aged manure or fertilizer by throwing it on top after removing grass and tiling it in in the next step
Don't just cover it with cardboard, rhizomes and more stubborn weeds will easily survive this and bounce right back, you need to remove their roots and then weed anything that you missed plus you'll lose all that time you could be growing something there