>>1794238And finally one last photo. These three were my additional side project to supplement my main project above. As you can see, I'm having much less luck with these. Slow as hell to grow, leaves curling and falling off and being eaten, but not entirely for the whole plant. I was honestly expecting more from these since they were the first to sprout ahead of my (water)melons, but...well you can see for yourself. Never grown these before.
I would really just remark this one thing. If there's anything this whole experience has shown me, it's that pot growing is a fucking bitch and much harder than direct sowing. Fuck this noise, I'll stick to the natural earth. But then again, I don't want to waste all that soil...
In any case, we'll see how these ultimately turn out. I've really been trying my best to limit watering, but it's really difficult because they get 8 hours of direct sun blasted on them every day, and we're talking 90+ degrees. Man, it's hard.