>>2076877>Holy moly look at all the replies on my thread on the chans! I'm really popular! This reminds me of that time I got 1k updoots on reddit! >Keep with the bumperinos!Literally the mind of an autistic child, everyone that is not in your shitty and self-congratulating discord is opening their assholes wide to dump fat logs into your faggot faces. Retarded people like discord because it can give them some sense of importance with becoming part of a social hierarchy, something you likely have never been part of in real life. You become a moderator or an admin, you become recognized, you become King Retard and for the first time in your life you aren't the literal bottom of the social totem pole. And naturally, as King Retard, it all goes to your head and then you start posting outside of your circle jerk still thinking you are King of Retards.