>>2681028Never know where you're going to see a pheasant... Always good not to go home empty handed. Best part of last story was that there were a few people who liked wild turkey so much more they took up hunting and they were coming to me for tips. I am like, bro, that was the first turkey I have ever shot. Usually turkey hunting involves sitting underneath a tree for days waiting for a dumbass bird to get within 30 yards of you. Boring as shit, as OP mentioned. Only got the tag because of that fucking tom.
Before I went to the corporate world was in the Army, then a PMC, and worked a bunch of odd jobs through college as someone who forcibly removed squatters from homes, tracking down bail jumpers, body guarding, whatever.
>be me innacity (pic might be related) in 2007-ish>sneaking up behind illegally occupied dwelling>been here before and have been met with significant resistance when I have suggested redomiciling>.notthistimemotherfucker.png>simple plan, kick in backdoor and clear residence, wait for board up crew to arrive>backyard is overgrown, pretty much the entire city is like this>"urban prairies" weren't a meme >all the sudden something pops up out of the waist-high grass in front of me>fuck that *BLAMO">puff of feathers>no idea what I shot, but pretty sure stealth is no longer an option for this mission >in goes the backdoor>start yelling "show me your hands" and "don't make me find you">house is empty - nice>call board up crew to come secure property>start looking in the backyard for whatever I shot>big ass pheasant cock >mostly intact because apparently 250 grain +P+ .45 ACP hydrashoks don't expand so well in birds>pluck in on the front porch while waiting for degenerate board up crew>batter and fry that motherfucker for my roommate and I that night>wasn't as good as non-city birds, but still pretty damn goodI'll drop another urban hunting story.