Went out fly fishing for the first time this year on the Gunnison river. It's extremely unseasonably warm so I thought the fishing might be decent even though it's normally pretty slow this time of year. Sure enough, there were trout splashing around eating midges on the surface. Caught this guy on a dry.
>>1225712I would use braid over fluoro any time. Fluro weakens over time as it stretches unlike braid and doesn't "bounce back" as mono does. This means it just slowly gets weaker and weaker if you put any force into it. The common claim about it being "more invisible than mono!" is literally just made up by marketers backed with some bullshit about it having the same "refractive index" as water. That's true, but it doesn't change the fact the it is a solid white string and light doesn't magically warp around it like a lot of people think when they hear that.
It certainly casts well and it might be useful for how well it sinks like
>>1225704 said, but I don't think those features are worth the cost and how quickly you need to change it.