>>871271OP. I'm a scientist by trade. Normally what happens is you have a trend and then you have a plus or minus range from the trend to represent the potential error range in the trend. With that in place you should more or less have a general prediction of the change that is occurring with some leeway for anomalies. For a scientist to say with certainty that arctic ice is going to be gone by september 2016, they've essentially proved themselves not to be a scientist. But take a look at the plots and even a retarded monkey can see it's getting less. There's cycles on the order of 5 years or so but what we have maybe 30 years or any ice left if it continues like this? So you asking for an apology is like you asking me to sharpen an axe I borrowed that already had a hairline crack running through it and is fucked anyway. If we're lucky a major asteroid strike or volcanic eruption occurs though and sends us into a temporary global cooling period. But in any case, sooner or later the arctic as a cold region is fucked. Probably take hundreds of years to normalize things at this point even if we were able to get people to start.