>>1829445Depends on who you take. My mother is a straight cunt, but she used to mountain climb and was on a shooting team back in Germany and knows her shit
>mom and i go camping often because she needs someone to lug the heavy shit and food (im in my 30s, she's just turning 60)>told you she was a cunt>she decides to invite a neighbor who had shown an interest in camping>didnt tell her it was a 30 mile hike to shoot a fucking ram>girl managed to do the trip with minimal fuss, but mother used us like pack mules and liquored us up so we ended up fucking like rabbits the couple we were out there>turns out my mother decided her neighbor would make a good wife for me and charted the trip during her ovulation period>now engaged with her and raising a kid together happily>her face when she bred me during a trophy hunt