>>2092212Sorry to say pal but it aint. Surprisingly my legal aide just forgot to email and inform me it was signed [despite my specifically asking them to fucking do so], however they told me that rest assured itd be difficult for him to shaft me or reverse the sale before the date of irrevocability [tomorrow 5PM my time], and after that she said its 1000% mine, just gotta wait for the closing date. But yeah, i had to call her because i was getting nervous and shes like dude they signed that a day ago haha.
>>2092180Thanks pal! Ive 100% learned my lesson, literally after someone in this thread pointed out how he could just as easily skate with my money, ive been shitting my pants every second of every day. Never again.
>>2092208To be fair, the first time ill go up is when ill expect it the most, but youre right. Unfortunately im out of friends except my S.O.. Elementary school friends, despite the nostalgia and trying to hold onto them with my sentimental heart, turn to rakehells, junkies, and degenerates, and so i gotta brave it on my own. Thankyou kindly for the well wishes! Been wanting to get my PAL for years but i promised S.O. id wait to get it together, and between lockdowns and her in university its tough to find a good time.
>>2092174Pal! Fuck yeah! If youre the guy ive been conversing with this thread whos been giving the advice, i very much appreciate all the kind words and counsel. Lol i definitely will take pride in that, and can't wait for all the NoLand folks telling me im a LARPer. Ill definitely keep you all posted and hope you do the same. Will post pics i have been sent by previous owner tonight. If youre ever in my neck of the woods dont be afraid to ask for a free hand with some labour or get some Timmies on me pal!