>>468951>>468951The stuff is mylar, also called a space blanket, or emergency blanket. It's used by EMTs to reflect heat.
As for the bivvy, if I understand correctly, a bivvy is any shelter that's not a tent. I never knew that, but I've seen it on several websites (please anyone correct me if I'm wrong). I just got some 80 g/m2 tarp (I have a feeling it's the same grammage as paper. I also got 25 m of coreless paracord (breaking point 80 kg, more than enough).
The sleeping bag I used is a Czech army mummy bag, -20 comfort, -30 extreme. It did the job :-)
I'm certainly going to do this again, the tarp is hella cheap and incredibly light, I'll probably go when it's warmer, I like the idea of an overnighter as in take bus somewhere far innamorning, hike even further innaafternoon, then settle down overnight, rinse, reverse and repeat. I can recommend it.
Even if you are a complete noob (dunno if you are), you can get a lot out of this. I've encountered many problems and if it weren't my own idea, I'd probably give up and get buttmad. But I knew it was my idea and that drove me on. The sense that I need to do something in order to sleep well.
It's great, just buy a tarp and set off someplace. Doesn't cost much, doesn"t have to be far (I basically camped in a hotel-infested city, but there was a little forest).
The pic is something I took for myself at first. In the middle, next to the tree stump is where I set my camp. And I found out that there is almost no evidence of me being there. That made me very happy too. Go /out/, just do it and learn by doing, as many Anons have said here :-)