>>2177749I have a similar experience
>be me at 14-15>me and my girlfriend where out in the woods, not at all far from civilisation, looking for a place to set up a tent>walking along a gravel road we turn off onto a small path into the woods>a couple of hundred meters in we have to cross a small river>on one side of the river, almost entirely covered with vegetation, is an old structure. it looks like a mill ruin, sort of like pic related>keep on walking, end up getting the puss that night ayy>life moved on, the girl left, i moved cities for school>a couple of years later i visited that forest again>i wal along the gravel road, turn off onto the path and walk down to the river>the ruin is gone. i mean completely gone. not a single shaped stone in the entire area.>i've since been there multiple times but i just can't find itSame girl and I saw a ghost too. Not /out/ related, but hey:
>we were sleeping at her dads place out on the country side>bedroom on lower level with the bed right next to a big window overlooking an almost enldess field>i wake up late at night feeling kind of heavy, like something is pushing me down into the matress>i get a sudden urge to sit up, so i do>i turn my head and look outside and just 2-3 meters away on the porch there is a white human-like figure>its completely white, almost glowingly so, except for the dark dots as eyes>i loose my shit and starts crying>girls wakes up, she sits up, she sees it too...>ohgosh>girl looses it and throws herself under the bed with the quilt. i quickly join her>we're both shaking, crying, feeling like we're going to die tonight>we lay there cpmpletely still for the rest of the night>at the break of dawn i paek outside the quilt and slowly builds up my curage to look outside>nothing but empty fieldsI guess that was the universe telling me that that girl was only trouble.