>>362138>>361927From what I've seen your internal cell phone gps antenna has a lot of problems with the interference of direct and reflected GPS signals. You seem to get a whole lot more noise than signal, which I bet has to do with receiving on a cell phone antenna designed for multiple bands in the UHF spectrum and not designed to only receive the 1.57542 GHz (L1) and 1.2276 GHz (L2) signals. This is why I use my phone for turn-by-turn, but never for any serious GPS function like geocaching or hiking. Phones simply weren't designed with the GPS as the primary function. You saying standalone GPSs are a thing of the past is like saying all DSLRs are obsolete because of the adoption of iPhone cameras. Adjunct add-on functions rarely, if ever, beat singularly dedicated hardware when doing a task like pinpointing an exact location or taking a true-to-life photograph.
The filter response graph is extremely useful when evaluating the performance of the acquisition and tracking stages in a receiver and yours has repeatedly shown to be severely lacking in regards to total accuracy. But that is to be expected when using any phone for this task: they are phones with a GPS feature, not GPSs with a phone feature. (pic related)
But hey, if it works for you then it’s all good, but don’t fool yourself into thinking it is something it inherently is not. Your phone has fair to good GPS capability, not excellent to stellar.