>>451174>>448625>>448776>>452918I think people really need to learn about and use rocket stoves for wood fires. When a rocket stove is made correctly with a properly tall and insulated chimney it will burn hot enough that there's very little left unburnt. Most DIY ones I've seen don't have a chimney long enough (most are half as tall as they need to be) or the area between the cooking vessel and chimney is too restrictive for air flow and smoke and soot occur.
Also, most are really heavy because for some fucktarded reason people insulate with sand, gravel, soil, etc. A few use light vermiculite which is fine, but can be messy when its dust pours out cracks. I use fiberglass insulation which is even lighter doesn't pour out anywhere, and takes the heat just fine. Rock wool/mineral wool would be fine too.
But, holy shit, when you have a good rocket stove that thing will burn as clean as gas and use only a small handful of twigs to cook your food with. It is rather impressive.