>>839869GLMA. Upon passing my USCG license exam I will have an unlimited tonnage Great Lakes/Ocean license with First Class pilotage for the Great Lakes and their connecting waterways as well as a tankerman PIC and a Great Lakes Towing officer endorsement. Semesters usually cost around $8,000- $10,000 not including room and board.
>>839990That's all subject to your work rotation for your individual company. Companies such as American Steamship Co and Great Lakes Fleet do 2 months on 1 month off during the regular shipping season (March-November) deck officers usually don't work during winter lay up, but there are plenty of opportunities for engineers.
MSC (Military Sealift Command) on the other hand does long hiches onboard. We're talking 4 months+ The advantage to that is more time working = more money and more sea time. For a young guy with no gf or reason to stay ashore it's a pretty appealing proposition to upgrade your license quickly. Because MSC is part of the government the pay grades are public record, so you can look em up. I know MSC Captains are federally capped at $220,000 or something a year. >tfw no gf
>>840008Military Sealift Command
>pic related doin' dope shit with MSC