>>2298170I used to use my 5610 as my night watch and switched to the GW-5600 with the LED backlight.
The reason is because the ILLUMINATOR backlight drained the battery every night.
It would go from full charge to half charge every night.
I'd wear it during the day and it would charge again.
I also use the 5610 as my desk clock, meaning it doesn't get fresh sun light every day.
Especially in the winter when my A158 is easier to get under a sleeve.
The LED takes less energy to use and if you're using it a lot the battery takes less of a hit.
Yes, they're both solar and, yes, they'll both recharge.
I just like knowing they're at full charge, so 5610 (ILLUMINATOR) is my day watch and GW-5600 (LED backlight) is my night watch.
I just remembered that I'm pretty sure the new G-Shock squares that have a "U" after the 5610 or 5600 part - that "U" indicates an LED backlight.
If you're looking for the LED check for a "U."
Also, my 5610 hasn't seen daylight in a couple months and it still has a "full charge."
It's a great watch, I love, I highly recommend picking one up.
(Shilling for Jays & Kays, you can get adapters for the G-Shocks and throw a NATO on them - I have them and love them)