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When I was a kid my parents were able to simply drive up day of to very nice state parks with drive in camping, recreation areas, ocean/lake/river access, restrooms and the like, pay $5 a night and have a pretty great time.
Now to stay in the same spots you need to make a reservation online when they open in January or else you won't be camping there that summer all while paying $50 a night.
When I was a teenager I was involved with scouting and I remember driving 3 hours away from civilization and hiking 25 miles to a lake in the middle of nowhere. The area was pristine and we were the only people there the whole week.
I recently revisited that campsite and the whole area was trashed with beer cans and garbage and I had to listen to all four of my "neighbors" play shitty music on their $20 Walmart speaker every night.
And when I was in college, me and my buddies used to hop in our truck, drive out on some unused logging roads and camp in some amazing and practically unknown spots. Now these roads have a car/bike/ATV running down them every 5 minutes during the summer and these dispersed sites seem to be perpetually occupied.
What happened to camping? I just want to be alone and enjoy the natural beauty of this world, and now it seems like you can't get a spot to yourself unless you're two days away from civilization in the middle of winter.