Tweezers/tick puller
10cc syringe for irrigation
Roll gauze
4x4 several of each
3x3 "
2x2 "
ABD pads
Excedrin (I get headaches sometimes)
Peptobismol tabs
Iodine wipes
Alcohol wipes
Antibiotic cream
Band aids
Steri strips
Triangle bandage
Most of it is very small. Don't stress first aid while /out/. It's just about making small injuries easier to deal with. If someone is actually hurt, youre not treating it in the wild, your main focus will be getting to definitive care in a hospital.
Someone said ABD pads are worthless. I carry small ones, and it's really just to cover a wound that's long, irregular, or bleeding is hard to control. The extra thickness of them helps put pressure down when they're taped correctly.