Compile a library of music, books, knowledge, programms and maybe games and movies.
And Im not talking "how to survive in the bush"
Here is my preliminary list
Kiwix(android app) - offline wiki
Erowid archive - offline drug/pharamaceuticals library
Basic survival books -!yPZRHSSb!K43oX5JgxXUEwIj6jMir-AOther books - zlibrary (links change a lot )
>needs to be addedBooks about weapons, machinery, car repair, how to wire up solar, plant/mushroom identification etc.
Entertainment like video games, and a comprehensive list of books and movies/shows
Something like offline Khanacademy
Optimally this would all fit on a 256gb/512gb sd card so you can use it in a phone and laptop as energy will be a big concern if you dont have at least like a 20-50w solar panel