>>868142>>868104I remember when I was a shithead little kid, there was this chain link fence we used to go through between a street that dead-ended and an office building. It was a shortcut so we didn't have to walk around a few blocks. It wasn't on a residential property, but I'm guessing the guy who owned the first house tried to close the hole up so people weren't cutting through and walking down his precious quiet residential dead end street.
We didn't rip the original hole in the fence, but whoever lived there would tie it up with thick cable to try and close it. I kept some good cable cutters in my pocket and ripped right through it. Then he finally started smearing heavy grease all over the cable so people wouldn't try to crawl through maybe but that didn't stop the trusty cable cutters. I think I caused that guy a lot of frustrating afternoons.
Anyway, why not just conveniently drop a couple boxes of sharp wood screws on the trail? If you get shorter ones like 1/2" long or maybe a little more that have a big head, they tend to stand up and do a good job putting holes in tires. At least that way you won't end up in prison for decapitating somebody and you could just say some shit like "the box must have fallen off my ATV while I was driving around trying to hang all these 'no tresspassing' signs"