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How it started:
>cold snap literally two days after transplanting tomatoes, eggplants, and cucumbers, killing one tomato and stunting my cucumbers
>peppers were several weeks behind because almost all my seedlings died and I had to resow another batch and buy some backup plants
>squirrels and chipmunks dug up most of my peas
How it ended:
>ended up getting a decent tomato harvest including some new varieties
>tried growing carrots and they turned out great
>zucchini and cucumbers produced way more than last year
>peppers came in late but were massively productive this year, ending up with more chili powder and hot sauce than last year; still another flush of peppers to harvest before the frost
>wild arugula from last year has now established itself as a weed in my yard
>almost no striped cucumber beetles this year and natural predators kept my kale mostly safe from cabbage worms
>harvested two giant sunflowers before the squirrels and raccoons could get them
>second year growing black eyed peas and ended up with a ton with just two small beds
It was a good year. Most of all, I gained more insight about what works in the garden, and ideas for new varieties to try next year.