>>1541413It is a ground cherry of some sort. It may have sweet fruit to "meh" fruit. It is a nightshade so only eat fully ripe fruit. People use them for making jams/jellies normally. They will be ripe near Fall and some of the paper husk will have disappeared leaving a weird neat framework behind. The fruit usually ripens to yellow or orange or slightly red depending on the species. All of them are edible though.
>>1541465They are not limited to warm climates.
>>1541474I always compost it. Letting the dead grass lay on top causes problems here. Everything from dead spots in the lawn to tracking in tons of grass on the porch to just looking like absolute ass. That is because the place is big and takes forever to mow, so it only gets mowed when it reaches an illegal length set by the county (they can steal your property if your grass is to high). You can just spread some fertilizer on the grass if it needs nutrients. That can be from many sources. This morning, I'm going to try making silage with it instead of compost.
>>1541477Put something down to help keep soil splash off the leaves. That can be mulch, but it may be too rainy for that level of moisture retention. If the root ball isn't to big, you can dig it back up and plant it on a small hill so it drains much better. But, take care of the soil splash from rain or it can get diseased and die. Don't put it back into a pot.
>>1541479I remember someone mentioned that in an old thread and they seem very interesting.
>>1541484Use a soft paint brush next time to pollinate them. What pollinates them in their natural location, early flies?
>>1541496>kiwi-strawberry hybridI think I would have chosen the milk melons....