>>1834413I'm an eagle scout who knows my son will not be able to ever become an eagle scout. My individual troop was great at the time and the organization was good before circa 2013. After they started going woke that opened up a can of worms for BSA that they will never be able to close. My individual troop I heard might fold because these sjw parents have infiltrated the troop and keep demanding all these changes out of it but offer no help to change it (there's nothing that needs to be changed). The national organization itself is not going to survive the 2020s and will file chapter 7 bankruptcy. Not only to corrupt powers at be have a vested interest in preventing an organization for boys to become men from existing, but the BSA is one of the largest landowners on the nation and of the BSA goes bankrupt judens would love to be able to purchase that prime real estate. They will not be able to survive the wokemaggedon.