>>1200181yeah they can be tricky to identify. granted a juvenile northern pike looks similar to an american pickerel or grass pickerel, but the telling features are that the juvenile pike is much slimmer (look at adults of grass or american pickerel, they have the body of a 50 inch northern pike from canada but they're like 12 inches long) and the other thing is that as a pike ages the vertical lines turn in to spots, and in the picture you can already see that starting to happen in places the american pickerel doesn't get them and grass pickerel have a lateral line area that is lighter in colour than the rest of the body, sometimes its almost gold, then i doubt it's a chain pickerel because i have literally never seen or heard of one coming from that reservior, or the river that feeds in to it. the river that feeds in to it, however, is teeming with little 20-30 inch pike that i love to chase with a big streamer and my 8 weight