>>2095000it's allegory for TEOTWAWKI, anon
great post OP. and i wholeheartedly agree with everyone's claims of things taking far more time to execute IRL than books and LARPers all claim. been living at this property for 4 years now and still haven't put up any fence. i garden in three plots though:
15'x80' primary food plot
15'x100' pollinator habitat near my barn (which is infested with bugs in a good way)
20'x120' gently managed what, corn, and rye for wildlife attraction
this year i'm working on starting to grow and cure my own tobacco for cigar blend rolling and the occasional pipe. very early stages there. hope to roll my first in autumn 2023.
we've also planted ~40 fruit trees of varying sorts. apple, crabapple, peach, plum, pear, pawpaw, and american persimmon.
any recommendations for transitioning that little pond from a runoff trench into something that could support some ornamental plants? i've planted some willows near it and pines have thrived down there, and i'm thinking about adding some reeds. just want it to be someplace my kids can take a dip and not fear for leeches or sicknesses.