First outing of the year tomorr... err, today. Time to strip line, tear down reels, reline, and put together a selection of tackle.
Pro-tip for those without the little electric line-strippers: Thread a bolt and nut to a bottle cap so the bolt sticks out the top. Screw cap on bottle and chock the bolt into a cordless drill. Tie your line to it, open your bail/click your spool release, and go to town. Probably a good idea to take it somewhat easy so you're not cooking anything. Definitely slow down when you're near the end so the drill doesn't jerk the reel and rod out of your hand or whatever is holding it. Neat thing is you can just unscrew the bottle off the cap, put a new bottle on, and repeat. Be sure and recycle the old line if you've a line recycling place around or your local recycling company will accept it (not all do because line, plastic grocer's bags, etc clog their apparatus). Run a razor down the bottle several times at least if it has to go to a landfill.
'Course pinnacle of brilliance that I am I've let my drill batteries die so I'm probably gonna be stripping the first couple by hand whilst they charge.
>>987505Crafted from finest Japanese Itonium.