>>823090You ever notice romantic comedy movies with Adam Sandler or Ben Stiller that have awkward/cringy parts usually involve them stumbling through something they set up in their head to be a flawless plan? That's what you're doing.
"What's an ugly stick?"
"T...that's the name of the pole."
"So you gave it to me?"
"I...well....see there's this anime board with...like there's these guys I talk about fishing with....there's...I...."
Just don't dude. Get the rods set up ahead of time, take her to a place with mowed shoreline or preferably on a boat, bug spray, a way to wash her hands, clean towels, hand sanitizer, cold drinks, snacks, sunscreen, tunes, sandwiches, prep every single thing so the outing turns out flawless. Plan what you'll do afterwords.
Oh, and don't keep any fish. This isn't the time to be slaughtering an animal unless she's that /out/.
Good luck anon!