>>2711479Hey OP. I'm currently renovating a 13-foot 1979 Hyking (ausfag) that I bought for $3k and will be traveling around the country in it. It looks pretty big in the photo, but it's only about 5ish foot tall and has a big pop-top which is closed in the image (not mine but same model). Just do what
>>2711599 says and set yourself a budget and go from there. I've ripped out all the old gas/240v appliances and am getting by with a 160w solar panel charging a 100aH battery connected to a 1000w inverter which probably cost around $400 all up, but I'll probably put another 2x 100aH batteries in there before I hit the road. Ignore all the hate from the /in/cels here. Living on the road is very doable and even comfy. In my case I work on dairy farms and cattle stations and move around every couple of years as a life choice and I'm more than happy to chat about it