>>1071781No we don't get along. His property is basically a dump, acres of trash, scrap metal, rotting cars, trailers, etc. Over the years they've had various raids from the department of health and building inspectors and always fail - including having an open well in the middle of their poultry farm and thus contaminating the water table. It took a couple decades but they finally got their farm shut down. He used to drive an ice cream truck part time and they found he was storing pig carcasses in the freezers with the ice cream.
Over the years they've also been arrested for illegal trapping, cruelty to animals, and over $250,000 of welfare fraud. When I was a little kid he leveled his greenhouse (just bulldozed the structure and left it all there to rot btw) and built a little backyard ice skating rink, from which he would try to hit me with slapshots through the trees while I played in my yard. He used to light cats on fire and the police believe he's responsible for various arsons in the neighborhood over the years but haven't been able to prove it. Even though the farm is shut down every now and then over the years a state police helicopter can be seen circling their property for about 30 mins. The old man sold the place to his son in the last 10 years or so and he had a wedding right on top of his leech field in his front yard. They're all fucked, we don't talk to them.