Another picture of the mystery plant in my yard (Southern California, Zone 10A, 10 miles south of the mountains, in a suburb, plant appeared in my backyard one day about 1 month-1.5 months ago, I 'thought' it was/is a raspberry or blackberry and think it might be poison ivy so I'm scared to touch it but if it is a berry, I want to dig it up and retransplant it to a 1gal pot temporarily as I prepare the soil nearby for a berry patch I am starting soon [currently waiting on 4 raspberry seeds to grow indoors]). I noticed there is another one growing about 2 feet (0.6 meters) away from it.
>>298083Your dogs might have a special diet where their urine might not affect the lawn as drastically but it CAN cause damage (c.f.: & Also, dog shit is toxic and carries a pretty big & nasty variety of worms (c.f.: just looking out for you and the citrus crops as well as anyone who eats em.
I know I'm allergic to bee stings and have bad reactions to bites and rashes so I'm not taking any chances if infact this is poison ivy.