>>2615026On the countryside where Amish ride their carriages? Sure, I can ride my bike there no problem but in a big city with multi-lane highways you are pushing the meaning of possible.
My point of being against car-based cities is that it makes it really hard to get anywhere if you don't get a car and completely needelessly so. See that
>>2614479 image for an example of just how much space is being taken up by parking lots.
In car-based cities you need to somehow navigate around all the cars, trafficlights and parking lots that would be unnecessary otherwise, they are severely limiting every other mode of transportation and thereby limiting freedom while their upsides are, in my opinion, really overstated, see my list
>>2614686So while it is not technically impossible to ride a bike on a highway it is not something a life-appreciating rider would do.
And finally, since this is /out/, the huge amounl of space they take up means so much less nature for me