Quoted By:
>be me in spain
>walking past some horse enclosure
>see horse with a leg stuck in some ropes near barbed wire
>free him
>also in spain
>walking some forest road
>suddenly like a hundred of goats start running up to me
>i give them space and they pass
>then two angry dogs run up to me barking
>panic af until they stop 1m away from me still barking
>turn away from them and keep walking
>not really out but we once found a free horse in a remote area when driving from a campsite with a friend
>walking somewhere along remote lakes and forests in northern europe in midnight
>moon shining
>suddenly hear the weirdest noise ever
>sounded something that starts like a chicken clucking, than turns into dog growling, than into cat screams, cat fight noises and ends something i could describe as chicken being tortured alive screams
>all of it a continues sound which lasts for 15 seconds and repeats for a few times
>thought it was some cryptid shit, whole night was weird af, but now im pretty sure it was lynx