>>1155723I just finished it today. It's an /out/ bible. It displays values that can be aspired to. The beauty of the beginning and the end are stuck in my mind especially: the man walking north, silent and unnamed, all the way to Geissler's final tirade about the way to live with nature, at one with heaven and earth. Also the cyclical nature of things, like passing seasons and people aging. The superstition that comes from an utter respect of forces greater than oneself.
>>1155842The guy in Hunger is definitely a retard when it comes to surviving, but that's because he's a city-bred man at the mercy of ideals, emotion, and passion. He's the opposite of pragmatism. He's also in a perpetual depression-fuelled daze. Hating your body (not in the /r9k/ sense that it doesn't look good, but because your consciousness is tied to a body that needs to shit and eat and shit and fuck and harasses you with its needs) and denying it food out of spite is very real. And fasting leads to a unique state of mind.