>>2285208Fg does take bit of practice, but once it clicks and you understand it it's really easy. I've used uni to uni when I'm not pushing my line fishwise, but I have noticed when I get a snag on an fg tied leader it breaks at the palomar knot, but when I snag on uni to uni it breaks at the leader knot. I posted pic related last time we were talking fg knot. I can't seem to find the video where I picked it up, but I like it better than most methods I see with guys biting their lines and stuff. You make a loop of the braid about a foot and a half long and put it between your pinky and ring fingers and wrap the loop around those two fingers a couple times, then you spread the loop with your thumb and index, that's where you're going to make your wraps, then you use your middle finger to hook the line where it comes off your pinky and ring fingers and pull on it with your middle to control the tension.
Also I go for a rizzuto finish on it rather than chaining all the overhand knots, I find it easier to tie and a little more reliable.